LGBTQ+, Gay, and Lesbian Couples Counseling in Washington DC

Specialized therapy for your unique relationship. We help LGBTQ+ couples in DC find clarity, connection and renewed intimacy.

LGBTQ+ Couples Therapy: Strengthening Diverse Relationships in DC

Expert counseling for gay, lesbian, and queer partnerships to help you flourish in the nation’s capital

DC’s LGBTQ+ couples face unique challenges and opportunities. At the Therapy Group of DC, we offer specialized, affirming counseling to help your relationship thrive in this dynamic environment.

Your Relationship Deserves Specialized Care

Your relationship is unique, whether you’re a gay couple, lesbian partners, or part of the broader LGBTQ+ spectrum. We offer specialized, LGBTQ-affirming couples counseling to help you flourish in our nation’s capital.

Revitalize Your Relationship with Gay, Lesbian, and LGBTQ+ Couples Counseling

Our goal is to help you reconnect and leverage your strengths as an LGBTQ+ couple in DC’s diverse landscape, whether in a same-sex partnership, a trans relationship, or navigating polyamory.

Tailored Expertise for Your Unique Experiences

We blend our specialties in gay couples counseling, lesbian relationship therapy, and broader LGBTQ+ support to provide experienced, affirming care for your relationship in DC.

From First Dates to Long-Term Commitments

Whether you’re a gay couple just starting out, lesbian partners of many years, or anywhere in between, we understand the evolving challenges LGBTQ+ couples face in the District.

Navigate Your Unique Relationship Challenges

Are you wondering, “How can we maintain our connection amidst DC’s fast-paced environment?” or “How do we address the unique pressures our LGBTQ+ relationship faces?”

Common issues that bring LGBTQ+ couples to our DC office include:

  • Communication issues in same-sex relationships
  • Trust and intimacy in gay and lesbian partnerships
  • Navigating open relationships or polyamory
  • Supporting a partner through gender transition
  • Balancing individual and couple identities in the LGBTQ+ community
  • Coping with family dynamics and social pressures as a same-sex couple
  • Exploring parenthood and family planning for LGBTQ+ couples
  • Addressing workplace discrimination as gay, lesbian, or trans partners
  • Navigating DC’s vibrant LGBTQ+ social scene together

Expert Care for Your LGBTQ+ Relationship

Our team includes gay therapists, lesbian counselors, and LGBTQ-affirming mental health professionals who understand DC’s diverse community. With us, there’s no need to explain – you can focus on strengthening your bond.

Our Approach to LGBTQ+ Couples Therapy in DC

  • Affirmation of all identities, including gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, and non-binary
  • Recognition of diverse relationship structures, from monogamy to polyamory
  • Trauma-informed care addressing minority stress on LGBTQ+ relationships
  • Strength-based focus on building resilience as a same-sex or trans couple
  • Tailored support for DC’s unique gay, lesbian, and LGBTQ+ relationship dynamics

Proven Approaches to LGBTQ+ Relationship Healing

Our DC therapists utilize scientifically-backed methods tailored for LGBTQ+ couples:

  • Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT): Helping partners recognize and reshape emotional patterns unique to LGBTQ+ relationships, fostering deeper connection and understanding.
  • The Gottman Method: Adapted to address the specific needs of same-sex and gender-diverse couples, enhancing communication and conflict resolution skills within the context of LGBTQ+ experiences.
  • Integrative LGBTQ+ Couples Therapy: A comprehensive approach that combines various evidence-based methods to address each couple’s unique needs within the LGBTQ+ context, honoring the diversity of your relationship.

Our Commitment to LGBTQ+ Inclusivity

We celebrate the diversity within the LGBTQ+ community in DC. Our therapists are culturally competent and committed to understanding and respecting the varied experiences of LGBTQ+ couples in our vibrant, multicultural city.

Ready to Strengthen Your LGBTQ+ Relationship in the District?

Whether you’re seeking gay couples counseling, lesbian relationship support, or LGBTQ-affirming therapy for your unique partnership, we’re here to help. Schedule your confidential couples appointment with the Therapy Group of DC today.

We believe that every LGBTQ+ individual deserves a loving, healthy relationship. Our specialized counseling helps you navigate the unique complexities of your partnership in DC's diverse landscape.

Therapy Group of DC

4X the National Average

DC is home to 4X the number of same-sex couples compared to the national average, according to the US Census Bureau.

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You want to feel better and make lasting change. We aim to make that happen.


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