Anxiety Therapy Treatment in Washington DC

Anxiety is one of the most common challenges that people face. Therapy is a highly effective way to help you feel better.


We empower you to overcome anxiety and confidently navigate life’s challenges.

Washington, DC’s dynamic environment can intensify feelings of anxiety, impacting daily functioning and overall well-being. Whether you’re dealing with a diagnosed anxiety disorder or simply feeling overwhelmed by worry and stress, the Therapy Group of DC is here to help. We offer specialized, evidence-based treatment to effectively manage and reduce anxiety in all its forms.

Anxiety Disorders We Address

We specialize in treating a range of anxiety disorders, including:

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
  • Social Anxiety Disorder
  • Panic Disorder
  • Health Anxiety
  • Performance Anxiety
  • Work-related Stress and Anxiety
  • Other Anxiety-Related Disorders

Each disorder presents unique challenges, requiring a tailored therapeutic approach.

Anxiety Doesn’t Always Fit a Label

You don’t need a diagnosed “disorder” to benefit from anxiety therapy. Many people experience:

  • Persistent worry or unease
  • Difficulty relaxing or “shutting off” their thoughts
  • Feeling on edge without knowing why
  • Stress that seems out of proportion to their situation

If you’re struggling with anxiety – whether it fits a specific diagnosis or not – our therapists can help. We provide support and strategies to manage your unique experiences and improve your overall well-being.

Our Treatment Methods

We employ a range of research-validated therapies customized to your individual needs:

  • Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: Uncovers deep-rooted patterns and influential life experiences to gain insight into and effectively manage current anxiety.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Identifies and transforms anxiety-inducing thought patterns and behaviors.
  • Humanistic Therapies: Focuses on personal growth, self-actualization, and developing a stronger sense of self to combat anxiety.
  • Mindfulness Practices: Teaches present-moment awareness techniques to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.
  • Relational Therapy: Addresses anxiety by improving interpersonal relationships and communication patterns.
  • Attachment-Based Therapy: Explores early attachment experiences to understand and alleviate anxiety in current relationships.
  • Existential Therapy: Helps manage anxiety by addressing fundamental questions about meaning, purpose, and human existence.
  • Internal Family Systems (IFS): Recognizes and harmonizes different aspects of the self to reduce internal conflicts that may contribute to anxiety.
  • Somatic Therapy: Focuses on the mind-body connection to address physical manifestations of anxiety and promote overall well-being.
  • Emotion-Focused Individual Therapy: Targets anxiety by helping you understand, express, and regulate your emotions more effectively.

Our therapists are skilled in multiple approaches, allowing us to tailor treatment to your unique needs and preferences. We may use one primary approach or integrate several methods to provide the most effective anxiety treatment for you.

Your Treatment Process:

  • Personalized Therapist Matching: Our exclusive AI technology helps you find a therapist who aligns with your unique needs, ensuring the best therapeutic fit.
  • Comprehensive Initial Evaluation: We assess your specific anxiety manifestations and treatment goals.
  • Customized Treatment Strategy: We develop a targeted plan using the most effective combination of therapies for your situation.
  • Continuous Assessment: Regular progress reviews ensure we’re optimizing your anxiety management skills.

The Therapy Group of DC Advantage:

  • Specialized Expertise: Our therapists are extensively trained in anxiety treatment, utilizing current, research-supported methods.
  • Individualized Attention: We prioritize a strong therapeutic alliance, essential for effective anxiety treatment.
  • Integrative Approach: We combine psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, and humanistic techniques to address your unique anxiety profile.
  • Inclusive Practice: We are committed to providing a safe, respectful, and affirming environment for individuals of all backgrounds, identities, and experiences.

Our Commitment to Inclusivity

At the Therapy Group of DC, we recognize that anxiety affects individuals from all walks of life. We are dedicated to creating a welcoming and affirming space for people of all races, ethnicities, gender identities, sexual orientations, ages, religions, and cultural backgrounds. Our therapists constantly strive for cultural competence and are committed to understanding and respecting our clients’ diverse experiences.

Anxiety in the DC Context

The unique environment of DC can present specific challenges that contribute to anxiety. These include:

  • High-pressure work environments in government, politics, and non-profits
  • Constant exposure to national and global issues
  • Navigating complex social and professional networks
  • Balancing career ambitions with personal life
  • Adapting to a transient population and frequent life changes

Our therapists understand these DC-specific stressors and can help you develop strategies to manage them effectively.

Initiate Your Anxiety Management Journey

Contact the Therapy Group of DC to schedule an initial appointment. We’re committed to helping you develop effective strategies for managing anxiety and enhancing your overall well-being in the unique context of Washington, DC life.

Take the first step towards managing your anxiety – reach out to us today.

Talk therapy can significantly reduce anxiety and help you understand its root causes.

Therapy Group of DC

48 million

That's how many Americans struggle with anxiety during any 1-year period according to the National Institute of Mental Health.

Get Personalized Therapy

You want to feel better and make lasting change. We aim to make that happen.


Find the right therapist in DC

Life in DC can be complicated. Finding and connecting with a therapist should not be.


Not in DC?

We're part of a trusted therapist network, and can help you search outside of DC.

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