Mental Health

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A Therapist’s Guide to Dysthymic Disorder
Learn about dysthymia, also known as persistent depressive disorder. Discover symptoms, treatment options, and effective coping...
Brad Brenner, Ph.D.
Cultivating Mental Toughness in Law: A Comprehensive Guide
Discover strategies to build mental resilience in the legal profession. Learn how to manage stress, improve...
Brad Brenner, Ph.D.
Understanding the Impact of Steroids and SARMs on Mental...
Curious about the effects of steroids and SARMs? Explore their impact on mental health and body...
Brad Brenner, Ph.D.
The Psychology of Political Violence
Understand political violence through a psychological lens. Discover evidence-based strategies for de-escalation and healing in our...
Brad Brenner, Ph.D.
Need help understanding your mental health?

Mental health struggles are common, but thankfully mental health care is available. With the help of a warm and trusted therapist, you can thrive.

The Smart Way to Find a Therapist in DC:...
AI-powered therapist matching in DC. Find your ideal mental health professional quickly and easily. Personalized care...
Brad Brenner, Ph.D.
What Kind of Therapist Do I Need? A Comprehensive...
Are you confused about what kind of therapist you need? Discover the different types of therapists,...
Brad Brenner, Ph.D.
Find CBT Therapists in Washington DC: Your Guide
Find expert CBT therapists in DC. Learn about cognitive behavioral therapy, its benefits, and how to...
Brad Brenner, Ph.D.
The Overlooked Epidemic: Loneliness and Its Impact on Mental...
Discover how loneliness affects mental health and learn strategies to break the stigma and find support...
Brad Brenner, Ph.D.
Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best Psychotherapy Near Me
Discover the essential tips and resources for finding the best psychotherapy near you. Learn how to...
Brad Brenner, Ph.D.
How to Talk to Your Kids About Climate Change:...
Learn how to talk to your kids about climate change. Get tips on fostering hope, taking...
Brad Brenner, Ph.D.
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