When you’re searching for a mental health professional, you might find that the terms therapist and psychologist are often used interchangeably. You’ll probably also see these practitioners referred to as counselors, social workers, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, or even clinicians. You might be able to write off these differences to semantics when you’re casually discussing the topic of mental health conditions and the people who treat them. However, when it comes time to make an appointment for your own therapy needs, it’s essential first to understand which type of professional practice is right for you.

Loneliness and Social Isolation: Risk Factors and How to Overcome

Loneliness isn’t restricted to seniors and young adults. Any human being, at any age or life stage, may feel lonely or isolated at any time. The different types of loneliness stem from various situations you may encounter during your life journey.


A brand new year is approaching. It’s a time for fresh starts, new experiences, and of course, the requisite resolutions. Making New Year’s resolutions is a tradition not only for Americans but for people throughout the world. It just seems wholly appropriate to use a new calendar year as an opportunity to commit to personal and professional improvements.

Simple Ways to Keep Yourself From Overthinking

Thinking excessively about things over which you have no control, obsessing about things in the past, or imagining the worst thing that could potentially happen in the future are all negative thoughts that can lead to overthinking. There are two types of overthinking behaviors: rumination over things that happened in the past and worrying about what might happen in the future. Rumination is different from reminiscence.

Why Highly Successful People are Prone to Depression

Succesful and high profile people are increasingly open about their mental health, instead of hiding their struggles. That may make you wonder though, why would someone with a lot of success even be depressed?

How to Manage Back-to-School Mental Health and Wellbeing

A 2018 study of 14,000 students published in an American Psychological Association journal found that more than one-third of first-year college students worldwide reported “symptoms consistent with a diagnosable mental health disorder.” Alarmingly, only 15 to 20 percent of the students planned to seek assistance from a mental health professional. We’ve created this guide to help parents and students recognize mental health struggles and provide ideas on how to help.

The Different Types Of Stress And How They Can Affect You

Stress is the body’s reaction to unexpected changes. When any change occurs, whether it’s positive (birth of a child, a promotion, planning a wedding) or negative (loss of a job, traffic, coming up short of a mortgage payment), your body reacts with physical, mental, and emotional responses. A skilled therapist can help you to better understand the particular elements of your life that cause your stress and help you to get to a better place. 

Helping Our LGBTQ Youth Cope with Discrimination and Bullying

Discrimination and bullying is a genuine and present danger in the lives of LGBTQ+ youth. Though statistics suggest that LGBTQ+ youth are more likely to struggle with depressive symptoms and are more susceptible to feelings of hopelessness, research consistently shows that increasing social support, promoting inclusive policies, and providing access to tools and resources facilitates resilience and allows our LGBTQ+ teens and young adults to thrive. Learn more about their struggles and how to offer your support.

Coping with Adversity and Trauma

There is no “statute of limitations” on seeking help for trauma. Working with a therapist can have multiple benefits for victims of sexual assault and abuse and help victims move forward toward a healthier and happier life.

What to Do When Politics Threaten Your Relationship

Can a couple with differing political views navigate their differences? As with any important topic, genuine respect and communication ground-rules are key. So how do you prevent your relationship from becoming another statistic if you’ve paired with a partner who doesn’t share your political views?