Research On Who or What People Turn to When Stressed

People deal with stress different ways, such as going it alone or seeking medication or therapy. We were curious to know more about the top ways that people deal with daily stress as we work to improve our ability to better help those who seek therapy in DC with us.  A recent survey by Statista sheds light on how people tackle it.

Brave Conversations: A Women’s Mental Health Summit

As therapists in DC, we task ourselves with how can we start to make things better for everyone. We don’t have all the answers, but raising awareness, starting conversations, and building connections is a good place to start. To that end, we sponsored A This Is My Brave event focusing on women’s mental health, which inspired us to look further into the experiences of women and mental health.


The nation’s capital Washington DC draws people and the type of work that is meant to transform. High stakes and the demands of getting the job done, often on a shoestring budget, create a potent mix for unhealthy levels of job stress and burnout. Despite the demands of career and work in DC, it is possible to reconnect with the passion and purpose.

Spotlight: Reasons Why People Do Not Seek Therapy in DC

People choose to not seek therapy and other mental health services for many reasons. What are some of those reasons and what are some of the myths surrounding therapy that needs reexamining?